DSI Par Competition Results 15th June

Thanks to all who played in and supported the 2019 Sandvik Desert Classic over the weekend, a great time was had by all. Thanks to all who volunteered their time to assist with various duties over the weekend, and thank you to the Woomera Golf Club and their volunteers for an awesome time on the Saturday, especially their dedicated members who put a huge amount of time into preparing their course! Of course a huge thank you to Sandvik for sponsoring the weekend, and the Sandvik personnel who were supporting in any way they could. Full results to come.
Sandivik Desert Classic 2 Person Ambrose 25th & 26th of May 2019
Its Sandvik Desert Classic week. We currently have 96 players registered.
Saturday Details – Woomera
Tee offs from 9am. Please try to register before 9am.
Bus leaves RDGC car park at 7am sharp.
All registered names are listed at the gate house.
Anyone not on the list will be denied entry.
Win your height in beer chip off after round.
The Calcutta will be held after dinner, remember to raid the ATM on Friday night. Normally BBQ dinner.
Sunday Details – Roxby Downs
The draw will be completed in Woomera
Lunch: Hot Dogs, Pies and Sausage Rolls
Win your height in beer chip off after round.
Dinner: Roast Meat and Vegies
$15 for non-golfers – $5 for children
The below eclectic scores are current as of the 14th May. Check out your scores and see which ones you need to improve before the end of the season. The eclectic is your best score on each hole for the current season (Weekend comp rounds excluding Ambrose/Foursomes)